
Highlights of August: What’s New with DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT?

New with DALL-E 3 and ChatGPT

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art AI language model that can generate writing that looks human when given instructions.

ChatGPT facilitates more natural and effective communication between people and machines, which boosts output, encourages creativity, and increases user experiences in a variety of industries. Its ongoing development spurs innovation in AI and advances interaction and language processing technology.

What makes Chat GPT different from others?

In contrast to many AI models that concentrate on particular tasks, ChatGPT is excellent at producing responses that are coherent and contextually appropriate for a variety of topics and interactions.

ChatGPT stands out for its capacity to adjust to different conversational circumstances and to continuously improve through updates.


A unique AI model called DALL-E was created by OpenAI to produce visuals from written descriptions.

Although it is not the same as ChatGPT, both are included in OpenAI’s AI technology portfolio and work well together in the field.

DALL-E and ChatGPT collaborate to provide complementary advances in AI; DALL-E adds innovation to visual content, while ChatGPT improves textual interactions.


DALL-E 2 expands upon the features of the first DALL-E model by producing detailed and more accurate images from textual descriptions.

DALL-E 2 is an effective tool for creating and enhancing visual content since it can respond to intricate commands, produce variations of images, and alter already-existing graphics in response to new guidelines.

The combination of DALL-E 2 with ChatGPT enhances interactive and creative capabilities by enabling users to create graphics directly from text-based cues given during discussions.


DALL-E 3 is an independent, cutting-edge model created by OpenAI that is used to create graphics from text descriptions rather than being directly integrated into ChatGPT. 

By integrating the advantages of conversational and visual AI, users can effectively utilize both technologies in tandem. ChatGPT can offer comprehensive textual explanations or prompts, which DALL-E 3 can use to generate related visuals.

What separates DALL-E 3 from its previous phases?

With DALL·E 3, you can effortlessly convert your concepts into remarkably precise graphics since it comprehends a great deal more subtlety and detail than our earlier systems.

Because words and descriptions are often ignored by modern text-to-image systems, prompt engineering is a necessary skill for users to acquire. DALL·E 3 is a significant advancement in our capacity to produce graphics that precisely match the words you supply.

Users have observed improved accuracy and captivating images as a result of the model’s increased capacity to handle lengthy descriptions. A significant improvement is also represented by the new editing tools, which offer more freedom and control over the process of creating images.

Preventing unsafe generations

There are protections in DALL·E 3 to reject queries requesting the name of a public figure. Working with red teamers—domain experts who stress-test the model. We enhanced safety performance in risk areas such as public figure generation and detrimental biases related to visual over- and under-representation. This helped inform our risk assessment and mitigation efforts in areas such as propaganda and misinformation.

DALL-E 3’s Impact

DALL-E 3’s release is a critical turning point in the development of AI-generated graphics. Its improved features, technological advancements, and wide variety of applications give it the potential to have a significant influence in many other industries. DALL-E 3 offers an early look at the direction that creative AI is taking as we continue to investigate its possibilities.



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